Let’s Discuss How to Accelerate Sales Productivity

Sales Productivity Insight

A highly productive salesforce is the lifeblood of a healthy, thriving business. We help you select and manage sales professionals who will succeed in your unique culture.

  • How can you help your salesforce succeed?
  • Understand their ability to handle sales opportunities.
  • Understand their core behaviors that are common to top performers.
  • Provide insight into strengths and weaknesses.
  • Help sales managers motivate and coach their direct reports.

The 80/20 Rule Holds True

In sales, there is something called the “80/20 rule” This means 20 percent of your sales team makes about 80% of your annual sales volume.

Why is it so difficult to find salespeople who year after year bust difficult sales quotas and consistently make their new business development goals and outperform the rest of your salesforce?

BusinessValue offers the answers and solutions to overcome the “80/20 rule.”

Recruit Salespeople Who Consistently Achieve Sales Goals

Research shows there are specific skills and personality traits to that are common to consistent producers. Our experience is that about 25% to 35% of sales people will not be consistent, successful sales representatives because their skills will not be properly developed, or they are selling the wrong product or service.

Further, hiring people who do not fit your culture, have poor selling skills or do not have the core cognitive abilities, personality and behavioral traits will cause you to miss your sales goals and adversely affect your salesperson turnover.

Several ways we help source, select, develop, and retain great sales producers.

Automate recruiting marketing strategies to find passive job seekers.  BusinessValue can help you promote your company by developing a strategy to reach passive and active candidates who frequent niche job boards like LinkedIn, Glass Door, Indeed, and specific association, niche job boards.

Identify candidates that have the potential to be a consistent producer.  When hiring, the objective is to hire candidates with characteristics of consistent top sales performers. We recommend using our BusinessValue Custom Sales Assessment to accurately assess critical characteristics essential to a consistently great salesperson.

Evaluate your current salesforce bench strength.

BusinessValue recommends contacting us to conduct a Job Match Study to evaluate the specific traits of each individual on your sales team and to identify the common cognitive and personality traits and training needs to boost the productivity of your current salespeople.

Develop a more efficient salesperson onboarding process.

The key to a salesperson’s success is to get them ramped up quickly, by understanding what motivates them, by understanding their key strengths, weaknesses, and coaching them to effectively convey your value proposition to prospects.  To accomplish this, first and foremost, sales managers need to understand what makes the new hire tick and to coach them in areas that may be a challenge based on your Job Match Benchmarking process.

Contact us to learn more about how BusinessValue can help you evaluate your current sales team and consistently hire consistent sales performers.